Wednesday, November 18, 2009

FIM - execute management agents run profiles with powershell

Here is a script I created which permits an easy automatic execution of certain FIM MA run profiles.

Here is an example of output:

And here is the source code:
# @author: Fabien Duchene
# @mail: fabien.duchene1 **at**

$params_ComputerName = "." # "." is the current computer
$params_delayBetweenExecs = 30 #delay between each execution, in seconds
$params_numOfExecs = 0 #Number of executions 0 for infinite
$params_runProfilesOrder =
type="Forefront Identity Management (FIM)";
profilesToRun=@("Full Import";"Full Synchronization");
type="Active Directory";
profilesToRun=@("Full Import";"Full Synchronization";"Export");

$line = "-----------------------------"
function Write-Output-Banner([string]$msg) {
Write-Output $line,("- "+$msg),$line


$MAs = @(get-wmiobject -class "MIIS_ManagementAgent" -namespace "root

\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer" -computername $params_ComputerName)
$numOfExecDone = 0

do {
Write-Output-Banner("Execution #:"+(++$numOfExecDone))
foreach($MATypeNRun in $params_runProfilesOrder) {
$found = $false;
foreach($MA in $MAS) {

if(!$found) {
if($MA.Type.Equals($MATypeNRun.type)) {
Write-Output-Banner("MA: "+$MA.Type)
foreach($profileName in $MATypeNRun.profilesToRun) {
Write-Output (" "+$profileName)," -> starting"
$datetimeBefore = Get-Date;
$result = $MA.Execute($profileName);
$datetimeAfter = Get-Date;
$duration = $datetimeAfter - $datetimeBefore;
$msg = "done. Duration: "+$duration.Hours

} else { $msg = "Error: "+$result }

Write-Output (" -> "+$msg)
if(!$found) { Write-Output ("Not found MA type :"+$MATypeNRun.type); }

$continue = ($params_numOfExecs -EQ 0) -OR ($numOfExecDone -lt $params_numOfExecs)
if($continue) {
Write-Output-Banner("Sleeping "+$params_delayBetweenExecs+" seconds")
Start-Sleep -s $params_delayBetweenExecs
} while($continue)

1 comment:

  1. How to Switch Gal Sync and Lync Sync .dll(s) automatically


    Scenario - 2 forests with 2 way trust enabled, Task is to enable GAL Sync and Provision Lync from Central forest to User Forest.

    Solution: - I have installed and configured FIM 2010 R2 in Central Forest, configured two Management agents for GAL Sync and 2 Management Agents for Lync Sync. This is working fine.

    Problem:- In Synchronization Service GUI, I need to switch manually between .dlls (GALsync.dll Lcssync.dll) for GAL Sync and Lync Sync respectively when i need to run a sync. I have automated Management Agents and their run profiles in PowerShell, but am not able to switch the .dll automatically. Is there a way to switch .dll automatically using Powershell\WMI ??


    Shahid Email) Email)
